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Linda Pyle was recently interviewed by V.J. Hume of KWXY radio about the new second edition of Peaks, Palms and Picnics: Day Journeys in the Mountains and Deserts of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley of Southern California. This interview aired December 11th, 2002 on KWXY AM 1340 and FM 98.5 from 10:15-10:30 a.m. Here are excerpt from the interview.

V.J.: “You talk about things that I’m sure people might not get to see like Rosie the Bighorn sheep. Sightings are not always guaranteed.”

Linda: “Not always guaranteed but you are bringing up one of my very favorite places in the desert—The Living Desert.”

V.J.: “Yes, you rave about.”

Linda: “One of my favorite pictures in the book is my sister hugging a Nigerian dwarf goat out at the Petting Kraal. Have you been there V.J. ?”

V.J. : “No, I have not, I am sorry to say.”

Linda: The African Village is phenomenal. You’ll see camels, tortoises and these wonderful goats. You can go in and take a brush and pet their little backs. They’re so sweet.”

V.J. “They are—goats are cute—don’t like the way they smell too much but they’re awfully cute.”

Linda: “These goats don’t smell bad!”

V.J.: (Laughing) “Good. I’m delighted to hear it.”